
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Romantic Period :: essays research papers

Dr. George Boeree best describes the Ro gentlemans gentlemantic Movement in the following, agent and the evidence of our senses were important no doubt but they mean nought to us unless they touch our needs, our feelings, our emotions. Only then do they acquire kernel. This meaning is what the Romantic Movement is all about.There were many changes that made this movement. The Romantics move to the poet before the scientist to harbor their convictions. They found that Science was too narrow-minded, and held no bureau of life for emotion or feelings. In England, there was a resurgence into Shakespe atomic number 18an drama, and numerous techniques and hyphens such as Sturm and Drang, a style of writing in Germany, and in art the title sublime to describe the power of instinctive disasters that developed in the Romantic period. The perception that the Enlightenment was destroying the natural human soul and substituting it with the mechanical, artificial heart was becoming pr evalent crosswise Europe. Also another thought that was at the wake of romanticistism were the dustup of the French revolution emphasizing liberty, freedom, and individuality as well as the need in England to escape what the industrial revolution was doing to the country. There ar many people and expressions either art, thought, or music that made the romantic period what is was. There are however key people who are involved in cementing certain expressions. Many writers such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, and George Gordan, superior Bryant, classified the Romantic period. One writer however Johann Wolfgang von Goethe of Germany really show this movement with "The Sorrows of Young Werther", which epitomized what Romanticism stood for. His character expressed feelings from the heart and gave way to a new trend of expressing emotions through individuality as foreign to collectivism. He was also known for the Sturm and Drang style that was general in Germany. Th is style was the free spirited answer to the restraint of the classical period. Another popular writer was Mary Shelly. To go without saying her book Frankenstein which describes a man (Frankenstein) who lets science get out of control and creates a being that at last hunts down and kills him was revolutionary at the time. This book was clearly is a insubordination against the scientific happenings that caused the Romantic Movement.The aspect of doctrine on Romanticism foot be attributed to two great thinkers. G. W. F. Hegel, a German philosopher, rejected philosophy of the 18th century because he believed in "Idealism".

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